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- $100 or below
- $100 to $900
- $900 to $1,700
- $1,700 to $2,500
- $2,500 to $3,300
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- 12 String Acoustic
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- Yamaha A Series
- Yamaha APX Series
- Yamaha BB
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- Yamaha FG Red Label Series
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- Yamaha TRBX
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With over 130 years' experience, and such a wide range of products, it's no wonder Yamaha is such a popular brand. From electric, acoustic and bass guitars; electronic and acoustic drum kits & hardware; digital pianos, synthesisers & keyboards; to monitors, speakers, power amps and mixers, Riffs & Licks has almost everything Yamaha (sorry, no boats or motorbikes).
We stock a wide range of Yamaha acoustic, electric and bass guitars such as the A, AC, APX, BB, TRBX, C40, CG, NTX, NCX, FG, FGX, FS, FSX, GL, JR, Gigmaker and Pacifica. Drop by Riffs & Licks in Newstead, the closest music store to Brisbane city, or check out our full range below!